April 30, 2012

Summer Fast-track Courses

Fast-track banner

Our next Fast-track courses are in the summer holidays. Here are those all important dates:

Week 1: 16 to 20 July
Week 2: 23 to 27 July
Week 3: 30 July to 3 August
Week 4: 6 to 10 August
Week 5: 13 to 17 August
Week 6: 20 to 24 August
Week 7: 28 to 31 August

These are 5-day courses (except Week 7, which is 4 days due to the bank holiday) comprising one 30min or one-hour session each day. Available times are 9am to midday and 2pm to 5pm.

Please get in touch for fast-track availability and booking, or see more details including times and pricing ยป

And don’t forget, there are substantial discounts for students with a term booking and even more for those with an annual booking.

Posted by Love Swimming